Monday, May 09, 2005

a late night walk... (Part 3)

There was a thoughtful, weighted silence. The road in front of him was mostly empty. Occassionally a speeding vehicle would pass by, splashing accross the water on the street, and he would jump away to avoid the splashes, and would return to walking on the edges of the pavement of the footpath. It reminded him of the stupid games he used to play with his friends in childhood: jumping in the small puddles of water on the road and splashing his feet to try and drench others, though he ended up drenching himself up more. It wasn't so stupid then, he wondered.

Did he just choose to ignore this part of himself or was it that he didn't enjoy it anymore? There was a measure of uncertanity surrounding that. All that he could see was the emptiness of the road running into darkness in front of him.

All that he could see was an illusion, he thought. An illusion. An illusion was probably what he had created in his mind. An illusion was probably what he's been living in, in the last 8 years. An illusion was probably what he brodcasted to others around him. An illusion was probably what had him confounded on the road that lay in front of him...


Anonymous said...

Hey anand, I thought u must have vanished :) ok I totally agree with ya n my next post is sureyl gona be abt the city which rocks ya.

BTW havnt read this (part3) but will beforethe end of the day

BlackEmpress said...

There seems a quest for identtity in all of us which i suppose remains a challenge thru-out our lives. Well-written, i like the reminiscence. Strongly cultural.

Anonymous said...

Saying something was an illusion is to deny that something has existed... and they said to deny is essential to accept.

Anonymous said...

On a lighter note, it reminds me of the movie sound like Neo.. hehe.. anyway..Nicely written. Keep walking :)

Ouzymandiaz said...

@Deepa: My neighbours also thought the same.. :) I had to work late for 10 consecutive days; was very busy.. And I really liked ur post on Bangalore.. :-D Ahem! Did any Pune n Mumbai lovers read tht? :-P

@Empress: Thx for stopping by Empress :) I really liked ur post "Abstract".

@Pink: When am I getting tht bag? :) Thx for dropping by... Whn r u putting up ur next post on ur cauldron?

@Addie: I guess I shud be looking out for Morpheus.., and Trinity ofcourse :-D Thx for dropping a line. But I guess I have walked enough and can't continue with the story.. :(